15 Most Heartwarming Dog Stories That Might Make You Cry

If you are looking for someone to make you happy dramatically but would do that unconditionally, a dog is your best friend. It is often said that when the going gets tough, everyone is likely to abandon you, but not your fur buddy. A dog’s love is unconditional in the sense that it will go to any extent to protect its human family. I have read and heard of heartwarming dog stories where dogs have expressed their unwavering love in ways we humans might never be able to. Their deeds have amazed me and made me realize how selfless and incredible Dogs are.

Most Heartwarming Dog Stories

Here are 15 inspirational dog stories that are a testament to the fact that dogs are indeed extraordinary beings.

1. Tiger Lives up to His Name:

One evening in August 2019, when 58-year-old Aruna Lamba was entering the first floor of her home in Darjeeling, she suddenly saw a pair of eyes glaring at her. Before she could realize what was happening, the old woman was attacked by a leopard. Then, her four-year-old dog, Tiger, jumped in between and fought off the leopard, saving Aruna’s life. What Tiger did is something most humans would tremble thinking about.

Story source: ‘Tiger’ saves owner from leopard attack in Darjeeling

2. Dog Removes Live Wire, Dies, Saving Owner’s Life.

In September 2020, a dog called ‘Appu’ died, saving his owner’s life in Kerala’s Kottayam district. As described by Appu’s owner Ajesh, he was on a walk with his five-year-old and their dog Appu. Suddenly, Appu spotted a live broken wire right in front of Ajesh, walked past it, and tried moving it so Ajesh could walk ahead. Appu was immediately electrocuted and died on the spot, saving his human family’s life.

Story source: Unflinching loyalty: Heroic dog removes live wire from the path, died saving his master

3. A Hero With Paws

A hero with paws - Most Heartwarming Dog Stories
Picture courtesy: The New Indian Express

The dogs in the Indian Army are absolute heroes. Zoom was a part of the dog unit of the Indian Army and was tasked with entering and clearing a house infiltrated with terrorists. He was shot twice during the action, but that did not deter his resilience. Because of him, two terrorists were killed, but Zoom died in the line of duty that day.

Story source: Army Dog Zoom Dies Fighting Militants; How Are Canines Recruited, Trained in Military? | Explained

4. The Unwavering Faith of Hachiko

Although not a dog story from India, Hachiko deserves mention when talking about heartwarming dog stories. In May 1925, Hachiko watched his human, Professor Ueno, board the train for the last time to go to work. Professor Ueno suffered a stroke at work and passed away, never to return home. Hachiko spent the next ten years at the train station every day, waiting for his human to return, until his death in March 1935.

Story source: The incredible story of Hachikō, the loyal dog who waited almost ten years for his master’s return.

5. Rocky Saves The Day

It was in Kerala, back in 2018, when Mohanan P and his family were suddenly woken up from sleep by the continuous barking of their dog Rocky. No matter what they did, Rocky’s howls kept on growing louder. Ultimately, they sensed something was off and rushed out of their house to check on him. They were barely out when a landslide destroyed their home. Rocky’s instinct saved the life of Mohanan P and his family.

Story source: Man’s Best Friend: 5 Times Hero Dogs Came To The Rescue Of Humans

6. Tyson, The Messiah

Delhi’s Rakesh Singh was feeding his adopted dog Tyson when a man stabbed him after a little argument. Tyson defended and guarded Singh saving his life. In action, he was stabbed in the ear, hind limb, and abdomen.

Story source: Delhi: Adopted dog saves owner’s life despite being repeatedly stabbed by attackers

7. Dog Saves Owner From Being Kidnapped

This incident took place in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. When Nitin came out of his home one morning, a few men arrived in a white van and attacked and tried to kidnap him. Then, his adopted dog jumped into the scene and attacked the assaulters, saving Nitin. The way the dog jumped into the scene shows how he cared for his owner more than his own life.

Story source: Dog Saves Owner From Being Kidnapped After A Group Of Men Grabbed Him Outside His House

8. An Unsung Hero

One of the most heart touching dog stories took place in Banda, Uttar Pradesh, in April 2019. A dog kept barking and warning people constantly after a massive fire broke out in a building. His continuous barking saved more than 30 lives, but the brave dog met a tragic end when he died from a cylinder blast triggered by the fire.

Story source: Dog saves lives of more than 30 people; dies later in cylinder blast!

9. Another Tyson, Another Story of Bravery

Another Tyson, another story of bravery - Most Heartwarming Dog Stories
Picture courtesy: Hindustan Times

Even a human would think twice before meddling with a cobra, but not Tyson. This incident occurred in the Khurda district of Odhisa when Aman Shariff suddenly noticed his Dalmation Tyson fighting off a cobra from entering their house. Before Aman could do anything, Tyson had killed the cobra but succumbed to snake bites.

Story source: Dog dies while fighting cobra, saves master’s family

10. Puppy Looks After Three-Year-Old Owner in The Wilderness

This is an incredible story of how three-year-old Karina Chikitova’s puppy took care of her for 11 days after she was separated from her mother. A massive search and rescue operation to find the girl failed, but one day the puppy came home alone and eventually led the rescue team to the place in the forest where Karina had been safe and warm with the pooch.

Story source: Loyal Puppy Leads Rescuers To Toddler Lost For Days In Siberian Wilderness

11. Dog With The Heart of An Angel

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