Pet story by Gayathri Kallukaran: Simba's forever home

Everyone undoubtedly has a story to tell about their first pet, which is a thrill that cannot be adequately expressed in words. The great delight experienced when caring for and nurturing a pet, especially a puppy, is really of extreme importance. Everyone knows that pets are excellent stress relievers. They are wonderful companions and are live medications for despair and anxiety.

It’s a totally different experience to welcome a puppy into your home for the first time; it’s similar to bringing home your first child. Puppies have four fuzzy legs, but they are much like babies. Getting a puppy entails a lot of planning and work, but it’s also a lot of pleasure and excitement. My brother gave me the best present a person who loves furry friends could ever hope for when I turned 23: a dog. My brother entered the home holding what appeared to be a white jacket. I was mistaken; when the “jacket” wiggled from the floor after he entered the dining room, it wasn’t a jacket; instead, it was a puppy. That tiny white fur ball with white paws was named Simba. My first dog, Simba, was magnificent. The day when things got better in my life. I’m referring to the day I received my first puppy. I realised that this day would alter my life because I have always desired a puppy so badly. Tears roll down my cheeks the moment I grabbed him in my hands. That day the pet parent inside me was on cloud nine. 

We didn’t realise it until Simba became a part of our family and we began to treat him like a regular family member who needed to be taken care of. It was a new experience for me, and as I intently examined its behaviour, I was both startled and amused. He used to come over to us whenever you called his name.

Simba always wants to be with us. He comes and sits in the middle while we are having food. He makes sure that everybody pays attention to him. Pets are such an essential part of life that I believe everyone should have the opportunity to live with one. Not only do I encourage getting a pet because I adore them, but pets have been shown to be beneficial to your health. I was having a hard time being at home in the middle of the pandemic and not being able to go out. Simba was a saviour for all of us and like my father proudly says “Simba is the best one I raised “.

We are all experiencing the emotional pain of ending a long-term relationship, metaphorically speaking, a year and a half later. Life as we know it has been significantly altered by COVID-19, and it is unknown when or if things will ever get back to “normal.” Despite the fact that I am 25 years old, alone, and living apart from my parents and Simba, I also own my first dog, a companion who now fills my parents’ emotional emptiness caused by the absence of their children, which is a huge blessing because it would not have occurred if the year 2020 hadn’t been the one when the hell froze over. Right now, there is so much uncertainty that neither we nor anybody else can know. 

My Simba has never failed to show up when I need him, even if it’s just with a quick lick or pull. Although he might be unable to react, I am confident that he will listen to all of my troubles and secrets without passing judgement. No matter how much I have or don’t have, how ugly my hair is, or even how my day is going, I know he will still adore me. He always greets me with a smile when I get home and follows me around like a tail. The loyalty of a pet to its owner is typically unmatched. A goofy two-and-half-year-old terrier who we gave a permanent home and a lot of love to has now become a part of our future. How beautiful is that?

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