Best Pet Stories That Will Brighten Your Day

Most pet parents we know or have met have always told us how adopting a pet has turned their lives around and made them happier and more cheerful about life. Having a pet is like having a lifelong friend who will be by your side till the very end.

Along with selfless companionship, the little things that pets do add joy and humour to even the most boring of days. No wonder pets are called stress busters!

To know some of the best pet stories that will make your day better, Read on!

1. The Taco Dog

The Taco Dog
Picture courtesy – Instagram: @viralhog

This cute dog went viral on the internet when the cute doggo tried to balance a taco on his head. His owner recorded the hilarious moment when the Dog, dressed in a bow was torn between balancing the taco and salivating from the urge to eat it. The way this little dog restrained itself from eating the taco speaks volumes about how dogs will listen to every command of their owner. With this cute act, Taco dog has won the heart of millions.

Story source: Dog looks absolutely adorable performing the perfect balancing act with taco on head | WATCH

2. Musical Cooper

Some believe that animals understand and enjoy the melody of music. While we don’t know the validity of such claims, a video has erupted on the internet where a pretty golden retriever is seen to be fascinated by the music played on a harmonium by his owner Supreet Kulkarni. This story is one of the most positive Pet stories I have come across. It has gained a lot of love from the viewers, many of whom have left funny comments. Someone even wrote that it seems like Cooper is trying to figure out what song it is.

Story source: Watch: Dog’s Head Tilts While Listening to Owner Playing Harmonium

3. Johny aka the Desi Scooby-Doo

Remember the smart Scooby-Doo from the famous cartoon series Scooby doobie doo? Well, meet Jonny, the Scooby-Doo of Kasganj, Uttar Pradesh, a police-trained dog who solved a complicated murder mystery of a minor. The Dog also tracked down the killers in less than 48 hours. The story does not end here! Johny even traced a looted tractor that was parked almost 22km away.

Story source: Police Dog Johny Sniffs Evidence 22 km Away, Helps Solve “Blind Murder Mystery”

4. Kitty was too good to take the stairs

While talking of the best pet stories, this one is hard to miss. This funny incident took place in Istanbul where a smart cat who was too good for the stairs tried taking the escalator instead. Unfortunately, he kept trying to go up an escalator that was meant for coming down. Thankfully, the cat was helped by a kind person who put the cat on the right escalator. The self-assured confidence of the cat has the internet in splits.

Story source: Hilarious video of a cat trying to climb up an escalator leaves netizens in splits. Watch

5. The Homecoming of Ratheesh

The Homecoming of Ratheesh
Picture courtesy: ANI

Ratheesh was a beloved pet cat of a Kerala household and quite popular in the neighbourhood. When he suddenly went missing during the Covid lockdown, his owner Ushamma was heartbroken. She loved her dear Ratheesh and search for him everywhere. It was almost a miracle when one fine day, two years later, Ratheesh returned to his old home. Their reunion was an emotional moment. He ran to Ushamma when he saw her and started sniffing her hands out of affection.

Story source: India: Missing cat reunites with Kerala family after two years

6. The Homework Thief

Remember those days when we used to lie at school saying a cat stole my homework? Well, you’d be surprised to know that there is one cat who loves stealing his owner’s homework. This adorable story was shared by the Hindustan Times where a video surfaced that showed a cat named coconut stealing its owner’s homework just when it came out of the printer. The video was shared by the owner on Reddit and is undoubtedly one of the funniest and best pet stories one can come across.

Story source: Pet cat adorably ‘steals’ human’s homework every time it gets printed. Watch

7. Busted by the Parrot

This is among the most interesting pet stories and comes from Kuwait. A witty pet parrot overheard all the flirtatious conversations between a woman’s husband and their household maid and began repeating the conversations in front of the wife. The parrot’s constant repetitive dialogues soon caught the attention of the wife who realised what was going on and went to file a report against the husband. Unfortunately for her, the country does not recognise a parrot as a witness, Yet!

Story source: Busted! Husband lands in hot water after Parrot exposes his affair with housemaid

8. Eric saves the day!

Eric saves the day!
Picture courtesy – Australian Broadcasting Corp

Sometimes pets behave in astoundingly smart ways making them more of our saviours than our friends. This story has come from Queensland, Australia and has bewildered everybody. Anton Nguyen was sleeping at his home when suddenly he heard a loud bang and the squawking of pet parrot Eric who was continually calling out Anton’s name. It was then that Anton realised that his house was on fire. Anton took Eric and rushed out of the house. Eric undeniably saved Anton’s life and his wit has been applauded by all.

Story source: Pet parrot saves Australian man from house fire

9. An Agatha Christie Plot

This is one of the best pet Stories we have come across which highlights how one should never underestimate their pet. Animals have often turned out to be great at crime solving and this pet parrot is one such example. This incident took place in Agra, India where Neelam Sharma and her pet dog were murdered inside the premises of their own home. Without proper clues, the police were baffled and had no leads.

It was then that Neelam’s husband saw a peculiar change in the behaviour of his wife’s pet parrot whenever their nephew visited their house. The parrot even started screeching whenever the nephew’s name was taken. The husband grew suspicious and informed the police who questioned the nephew and found him guilty of the murder. The nephew had planned to rob his aunt, but when he was caught by her, he stabbed her as well as her dog who had started barking. It had never even bothered him that he might be caught because of the parrot who had witnessed the entire crime.

Story source: Talking parrot ‘helps’ UP Police crack murder case

10. The Lady and the Tramp

The Lady and the Tramp
Picture courtesy – Tiktok: @beignet_hamster

This one is by far one of the cutest and most positive pet stories we have come across. A video went viral on the internet where the owner recreated a scene from the famous 1955 Disney movie. One of the cutest scenes in the movie is when both share spaghetti and eat one particular noodle together. In this case, however, as the owner and her pet hamster were sharing a single noodle, the hamster snatched and ate it, leaving the internet in splits.

Story source: Human tries recreating Lady and the Tramp spaghetti scene with pet hamster. Then this happens

11. Buggy, the humorous one

Pets often have a weird sense of humour that leaves their owners surprised and in laughter. One such story is of Buggy, a bunny that a family bought for their 2-year-old daughter. Buggy had a good sense of humour and whenever a guest visited their house and sat on a chair, Buggy would slowly start poking their ankle. This used to scare the hell out of the visitors who used to jump up at once. Buggy also had similar playing habits to that of a cat and used to chase after a ball after throwing it.

Read More: Pet Fed – India’s Biggest Pet Festival is back after 3 Year

Read More: Why You Need to Read These 10 Amazing Cat Stories

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