Popular Pet Birds in The World

Birds are increasingly being used as pets by millions of people all around the world. Birds are fun to have in your home and can be wonderful companions for your family. Birds have a more considerable life expectancy than other house pets with some of the breeds living for more than 60 years. Depending on the species of the bird, some require the interaction of the owner outside the cage, while others do not need as many interactions. Before bringing a bird home, a potential owner should be sure to thoroughly research the bird’s nature and requirements that include housing, nutrition, and attention. Finally, as with other house pets like cats and dogs, birds also need pet examination and annual, preventive veterinary care. So, if you are aware of the basics and are sure of raising a pet bird, here are some popular species of birds for you to consider for your home.

African Grey Parrots

African Greys are considered to be highly intelligent birds and the best talkers. They are most suited for people who like their pet to be interactive, active and witty. Greys won’t mind being out of the cage spending hours engaging with you. However, they are prone to develop behavioural issues if not given sufficient attention. Like some dogs, these birds usually cling on in a relationship with a single member of the family.

The African Grey is an average sized bird weighing 400 grams. It has a deep grey colour over the top part and the two wings, while the head and body quills have a light white edge to them. Moving to the tail quills, they are red. Because of choice by parrot raisers, some grey parrots are incompletely or totally red due to adoption by parrot breeders. Both the genders show up identical. The colouration of young ones are like that of grown-ups; however, the eye is commonly grey to dark, in contrast with the yellow irises around dim eyes of the adults. The under tail coverts are likewise tinged with grey. The life expectancy of greys is between 40 – 60 years when in captivity, while in the wild it significantly drops to just around 23 years. When grown as a pet bird, they require a large enclosure with the essential supply of food, fresh water supply, and toys. They love to chew on and play with toys. Given their intellect (much the same as that of a 4-5-year-old kid),  they require a lot of mental incitement.

These parrots require quality attention and prefer a solo environment in comparison to most other birds of a similar kind. Spending a nice time with humans is quite a favourite pass time for them and can be a good buddy for adults or teenage pet owners. But be mindful of the fact that they love crunching on hard food and hence families with children around must exercise added caution. If a person doesn’t have long-term commitment blues, then this could well be an excellent choice to keep as a pet.


Are you searching for a winged pet companion to watch and tune in to, instead of snuggling with? Then your search will likely end at a bird named ‘canary’. You can choose canaries from various colour options. Relying upon the species, canaries can be yellow, orange, red, white, and with an assortment of feather design patterns. The Canaries are known for their excellent, operatic melodies. They are reproduced to create particular melodies, for example, the American singer, the German roller, and so on. As males sing to impress females during the reproducing season, canaries can be very territorial and ought to be confined separately, or they may engage in fights.

Canaries can live for 5 – 10 years when they are taken care of well. They should be provided with fresh water every day, with commercially pelleted nutrition for diet, a small quantity of finely minced produce, and a limited measure of seed.  Canaries suffer from respiratory problems due to malnourishment or congestion that cause laky face and leg vermin, which causes the formation of dry skin on the feet and face. Therefore try to avoid such incidents and consult with a veterinarian if you need professional advice.


Cockatiels are popular companion parrots native to Australia that are preferred as household pets by many in the world. They are easy to handle and can be a great first bird for families. They have a fantastic personality and response interactivity to their owners. These birds love to sing/talk and are most likely to fill your home with soothing chirps and whistles. Especially male cockatiels are known for their music, which they address to their favoured person, an object or even their own mirror image.

Cockatiels are found in grey, white, and yellow colour combinations and can live up to 20 years if cared well.  A wholesome cockatiel diet regime comprises commercially balanced diets, along with other food, fresh vegetables and seeds. Cockatiels must be kept in a cage that is spacious enough to hold various perches, playthings, and food container. They must also be sufficient enough to allow the bird to flap its wings freely without any interference from the cage. The owner must also let the bird outside the cage for a few hours to allow it to socialise. And the owner must also ensure that the cockatiels receive enough ultraviolet (UV) light, either from direct sunlight or from an indoor UV lamp, as it is essential for the bird. A cockatiel can happily live without a partner as long as their human companion give them adequate attention. They love to be entertained by TV shows or radio streamings and may even learn a few dialogues.


Doves are seen in pretty much all the parts of the world, and there are many dove species out there. But, just a bunch of doves species are available as pets. The diamond dove (Australia) and the ring-necked dove (Africa) are the most household pet dove species

Doves require distinct caging needs when compared to other pet birds. They can’t move up the bars of the cage; instead, they move about by flying backwards and forward, which requires a full cage enclosure as a critical element. Doves need grains in their eating regimen since they eat their seeds entirely. Offer them a few sorts of grains, and a calcium supplement, particularly while breeding. Even though it is alluring to breed doves all throughout the year, doing as such will leave them weak and exhausted. Doves are best for those looking for a bird which requires less one-on-one social interaction with humans. They are found in blue, brown, grey, and white colours. Doves are very pleasing to watch, and they have a calm demeanour and a soothing presence. Doves seek the need for companionship and have varied personalities. They have a life expectancy of up to 10 years.


Finches are adorable little birds which are found in numerous patterns and colours. One can choose from owl finches that closely resemble owls to Golden finches that have vibrant rainbow hues; in addition to the zebra finches, with black and white stripes. Finches are the bird types that are reckoned to be watched from outside and are not to be handled. They are good options if you do not prefer parrots due to their screeching.  Finches are songbirds that make low, sweet sounds; consequently, finches can be great for noise-sensitive individuals living in apartments surrounded by neighbours.

Like with other birds, if appropriately grown finches live on for about 10 years. The cage size should be sufficient for a comfortable stay. Finches are known to be very social and spend time collecting materials like twigs to build nests. As finches are prolific egg layers, be prepared to expect more of them if you plan to get one. Finches suffer from respiratory problems when under stress or overcrowded. Therefore, try to avoid such scenarios and consult a veterinarian if you need professional advice.


Lovebirds are social and affectionate birds originated in the African continent. As their name suggests, lovebirds are known for the loving, passionate, and the secure bond they develop with their partner. They are considered as an epitome of love and are gifted to couples on occasions of celebrations like Valentine’s Day. Lovebirds are found in only small flocks, and their diet mainly consists of fruits, vegetables, grass, seeds, insects and figs. There are various colour variations bred today with the help of aviculture. Being social birds, they enjoy the interaction with the owners, and love to play with toys for several hours in a day. The daily exercise, aviary cage and toys help them to be happy and prevent problems caused by depression such as feather plucking screaming, which are difficult to cure by the owners. Being intelligent creatures, they appreciate their human companion to spend some effort in creating a relationship.

Lovebirds like to chew objects like perches and wooden materials. This helps to trim their beaks made of Keratin, which can grow continually. Having cuttlebones in place will also help with the big trimming and provides them with calcium and other essential minerals. You can also consider arranging wood pieces of different sizes and place them at different parts of the cage. This will help the bird to develop mobility skills and gives them more options to choose a comfortable place for roosting. Moreover, you can also have different kinds of toys like branches, boxes, tunnels, swings.


Macaws are frequently vivid New World parrots. Macaws are endemic to Central America and South America (once in the past the Caribbean). Most of these species are related to forests, particularly rainforests. However, some species incline toward woodland or savannah-like territories. Macaws are distinguished from the other parrot species by their symmetrically large beaks, long tails, and moderately plain, light-hued, medial areas. Here and there the facial fix is littler in a few varieties and constrained to a yellow fix around the eyes and a second fix close to the base of the nose. The facial feather of macaw is one of a kind as a fingerprint.


Parakeets, also known as budgerigar, are seed-eating parrots found abundantly in the dry regions of Australia. They are distinguished by their small physical size, extended tail and their beautiful shades of body colours. They are loved because of their charm, energetic persona, and are also good talkers. Parakeets are found naturally in tones of green and yellow with black and while they are bred in captivity, can attain body colours like blue, white, yellow, and grey.  Their small size, low maintenance cost and the benefits that accompany them like human voice mimic, make parakeets one of the most popular pet bird breeds in the world.

So, these were some of the popular choices when it comes to pet birds, and there are many other exotic birds too that are gaining prominence throughout the world. Irrespective of which bird you keep as a pet, it is a certainty that your life would have a companion that would be around you for the longest of time.

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